Studio Friday: The Random 7 studio facts/habits
Here's seven random studio facts/habits of mine (better late than never)... 1. I can't do anything until I've had at least two cups of NOT a morning person. lol!
2. I work best with music playing and have been known to sing along while painting (people have caught me doing this back when I had the studio webcam running regularly).
3. Speaking of music, sometimes I will play one song over and over 20-30 times in a row. I get obsessed with a certain song and I just want to hear it all the time. My hubby was home while I was working in the studio recently and I kept playing Feist's "1234" and it drove him nuts! :D
4. My favorite thing to paint on is chunky 1.5" thick fine textured canvas...and I will paint on three layers of gesso and sand between each coat to get the texture I want if need's a sickness. *hee, hee*
5. I have been known to work on just the eyes of my girls for an hour or more....I keep at it until they start speaking to me and come to life.
6. I have lots and lots of brushes...of all shapes and sizes....and I can't seem to stop buying more! I think my brush collection may overtake my studio at some point! lol!
7. My favorite paints are Golden brand....both heavy body and fluid. Scrumptious stuff!!!
See more random studio facts/habits here.