High quality version of latest video & online classes update

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Good morning y'all! Here's a bigger and higher quality version of my last video. You'll need the Quicktime player to view it. When you click on it, a new player will open in a pop up window....go ahead and click play and then pause it. Let it load for a little bit before you hit play again, otherwise the video will stop and start. This version is at a higher resolution that the YouTube version, therefore the file size is much larger and will take more time to load. I think it'll be worth the wait though. ;) This is more along the lines of the quality of the videos you'll be getting in my online classes....and actually they'll be even better because they are not sped up and I have the camera right beside me while I'm demonstrating and explaining what I'm doing. It'll be like you're standing in my studio and looking right over my shoulder! Pretty great, huh? :D
Speaking of my online classes, I'm getting ready to post the first class supply list to the private class blog in a little while so if you're signed up for the backgrounds class that starts on February 18th be on the lookout for an email from me later today. I've been getting emails asking if there's any room left in the classes....there's still some room left in both the backgrounds class and the faces class, but at the rate people are signing up I may have to close class sign ups soon....especially for the backgrounds class. Once I close class sign ups, I will take the payment buttons down off of the online classes page. So if you still see the payment buttons, then sign ups are still open. :)
Well I'd better get a movin'....so much to do today and Aiden's home sick from school. Poor guy been coughing his head off all morning....and as all you moms know, it's even harder, if not impossible, to get things done when you've got a sick little one to look after.